The open road, the dusty highway, the heath, the common, the hedgerows, the rolling downs! Here today, and off somewhere else tomorrow! The whole world before you!
Kenneth Grahame - The Wind in the Willows
Learn to Drive
Qualified approved driving instructor (ADI)
Need a driving licence?
Being able to drive gives you independence, freedom and choice. Whether you are learning for the first time or have learnt before but not yet passed the test, we will work together to build the necessary skills and confidence to get you on the road
Worried about driving?
Maybe there’s been a near miss or you are anxious about driving in new environments. Maybe other life events have forced you back behind the wheel or made you doubt your ability to drive. We will work flexibly at your pace, taking time to understand the challenge and build your confidence to drive safely.
Got a specific issue?
Do you have issues with roundabouts? Or motorways? Are you easily distracted or finding it hard to drive at an appropriate speed? If an hour or two identifying, analysing and remedying a particular issue would be helpful, get in touch.